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Events 2014


CESIMA Anno XX (CLE Unicamp / SHAC in Brasil)

Crossing Oceans: Exchange of Products, Instruments, and Procedures 
in the History of Chemistry and Related Sciences

August 24th to 28th, 2014


In 2014, CESIMA (Centre Simão Mathias of Studies in History of Science) celebrates its 20th anniversary. To mark the occasion, we will conduct an international conference co-sponsored by SHAC (Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry) and CLE (Centre for the Logic, Epistemology and History of Science, Unicamp).

The conference will be devoted to two main areas of studies that bear particular interest for the participants. One such area concerns studies on the science of matter and its transformation relative to both theoretical notions and processes from the early modern period to the 20th century (involving not only chemistry, but also medicine and interfacial sciences). The second area will focus on studies on the organisation, acquisition and nature of knowledge, including historical approaches to the transformation undergone by the trees of knowledge elaborated in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and that served as basis for the abovementioned studies on matter; novel classifications of disciplines that ground contemporary science; and the elaboration of novel search tools that allow locating complex objects (such as the multifaceted and conceptually mobile documents relevant to the history of science) in databases by means of concept mining.



Papers that meet the criteria listed below will be considered for presentation:

1. Compliance with the norms indicated in an ad hoc template

2. Approval by a referee name by the Scientific Committee. The referees ought to take the following items into consideration:

  • Relevance relative to the conference main subject;
  • Theoretical and methodological consistency;
  • Up-to-date and relevant references

Referees will indicate whether papers ought to be rejected or approved for oral or poster presentation; rejections should include a short justification.
The final decision on approvals and modality presentation (oral or poster) will be made by the Scientific Committee.




Executive Committee: Ana M. Alfonso-Goldfarb (CESIMA, PUC-SP), Walter Carnielli (CLE, Unicamp) and Robert Anderson, (Clare Hall, Cambridge; president of SHAC)


Scientific Committee
Chairs: Márcia H. M. Ferraz (CESIMA, PUC-SP), Ítala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano (CLE, Unicamp) and Hasok Chang (Univ. of Cambridge, UK

Heloísa Domingues (MAST)
Luiz Carlos Soares (UFRJ)
Olival Freire (UFBA)
Thomas Haddad (EACH, USP)
Paulo Alves Porto (IQ, USP)
Patrícia Aceves Pastrana (UAM, Xochimilco, México)
Carlos Alberto Filgueiras (Instituto de Ciências Exatas, UFMG)
Floriano Jonas Cesar (USJT, SP)
Stephen Weldon (Univ. of Oklahoma / ISIS – CB)


Organising Committee
Chairs: José Luiz Goldfarb (CESIMA, PUC-SP), Marcelo E. Coniglio (CLE, Unicamp) and Frank James (Royal Institution, UK)
Maria Helena Roxo Beltran (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Vera Cecília Machline (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Fumikazu Saito (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Silvia Waisse (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Cristiana Couto (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Laís Trindade (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Andréa Paula dos Santos (UFABC)
Kleber Cecon (UNESP – Marília)
Carlos Gonçalves  (EACH, USP)
Maria de Lourdes Bacha  (Universidade Mackenzie)
Gilson Queluz (UFPR)
Fábio Maia Bertato (CLE, Unicamp)
Iris Kantor (FFLCH, USP)
André Mota (FM, USP)
Marcos Galindo (UFPE)
Carla Bromberg (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Elaine Pereira de Souza (CAPES e CESIMA)


Support staff: CESIMA, PUC-SP
Júlio L. Bacha
Luciana L. Thomaz
Raphael Uchôa
Vera Lúcia Oliveira Neves
Yaeko Uehara




Rua Caio Prado, 102, Consolação 01303-000 São Paulo
- Salas 46-49 (55) 11 3124-9609 | Contato | Webmail | English version |