Resultado da busca por T:

The Digicult Report

The Dynamics of societal diversity: notes from nicaragua for a sociology of survival
Estados Unidos

The Economics of Schooling na International Development
Cuenavaca/ México1971

The Evangelism in Depth Program of the Latin America Mission. A description and Evaluation
Cuernavaca/ México1968

The Formal Expression of meaning in Juan carlos Onetti's narrative art
Cuernavaca/ México1971

The Kingdom of Saudi arabi

The Mayan Woman and Change
Cuernavaca/ México1972

The Miami Report: recommendations on United States Policy Toward Latin America and the Caribean
Coral Glabes. Florida

The NGLS Handbook: of UN Agencies, Programmes, Funds and Conventions Working for Sustainable Economic and Social Development
New York2000

The Parish of san miguelito in panama history and pastoral-theological evaluation
Cuernavaca/ México1966

The people of the moutains health education among idian communities in Oaxaca, México
Cuernavaca, México1969

The Performance of south americam civilian and military governments from a socio-econmic perspective
Estados Unidos

The persecution of protestant Christians in Colombia 1948-1958 -with na investigation of its background na causes
Cuernavaca/ México1968

The Poetic Achievement of Xavier Villaurrutia
Cuernavaca/ México1971

The political ideology of Fray Servando Teresa de Mier - propagandist for independence
Cuernavaca/ México1968