

O Evento

Em 2014, o CESIMA (Centro Simão Mathias de Estudos em História da Ciência) comemora 20 anos de existência, com a realização de um evento internacional. Com foco na história da química e campos afins, o evento será realizado conjuntamente com o CLE (Centro de Lógica e Epistemologia e História da Ciência - Unicamp) e a SHAC (Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry), que, assim, realiza o seu encontro anual pela primeira vez na América Latina, contando com a participação, já confirmada de seus membros: Robert Anderson, Jennifer Rampling, Carsten Reinhardt, Hasok Chang, Frank James, Conleth Loonan, Malika Basu e Hjalmar Fors. O evento incluirá a 4ª edição das Conferências Bianuais Allen Debus.


Os trabalhos estarão focados nos intercâmbios de conhecimentos químicos – sejam de aspectos teóricos, práticas, materiais, instrumentos ou aparatos – do período medieval à atualidade. Desde a recepção das teorias alquímicas da matéria até o desenvolvimento de mercados internacionais de matérias primas e produtos químicos, será discutido como a ciência da transformação da matéria foi, por sua vez, transformada por intercâmbios nos níveis local, regional e global. Serão apresentados trabalhos sobre todos os aspectos da história da química, compreendida de modo amplo, a fim de abranger também a história da medicina e de outras ciências de interface.


Também serão apresentados trabalhos relativos a estudos sobre a organização, aquisição e natureza do conhecimento, incluindo a transformação, numa abordagem histórica, das árvores do saber da tradição antiga e medieval; as novas classificações disciplinares que são base da ciência contemporânea; o desenvolvimento de novos instrumentos de busca.

Casa das Rosas

Conleth Loonan, National Univ. of Ireland, Ireland

Joseph Priestley: a liberal, radical and democratic thinker and activist

24/08, Sunday

Casa das Rosas

Constructing documents and memories of the Brazilian chemical community: life stories of scientists in the twentieth century

Andrea Paula dos Santos Oliveira Kamensky, UFABC, São Bernardo do Campo, SP

19:30 – 20:00

Conference opening

250 years of Vicente Seabra, the first modern Brazilian chemist

20:00 – 21:00

Carlos Alberto Filgueiras, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG

Teaching the chemistry of platinum


21:00 – 22:30

Robert Anderson, Univ. of Cambridge, UK

25/08, Monday

Casa das Rosas

S9: 16h50-18h20 – Crossing oceans: chemistry and the chemists

Principles of discovery in the history of science

10:00 – 11:30

Plenary session S1

Coffee break

11:30 – 11:45

Stephen Weldon, Univ. of Oklahoma, USA

Contexts of knowledge classification in Ancient Mesopotamian Culture

11:45 – 13:15

Plenary session S2


13:15 – 14:30

Carlos H. B. Gonçalves, EACH-USP, São Paulo, SP

The role of chemistry in the development of a systematic organization of mineral bodies

Andréa Bortolotto, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

14:30 – 16:30

Plenary session S3

Charles Sanders Peirce and experimental science

Coffee break

16:30 – 16:50

Maria de Lourdes Bacha, Univ. Mackenzie/CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

S8: 14h30-16h30 – Conceptual foundations and ‘instruments’ for history and philosophy of science

16:50 – 18:50

Plenary session S4

26/08, Tuesday

Appropriation of evolutionary ideas in Brazilian Anarchism (1900-1920)

Gilson Leandro Queluz, UTFPR, Curitiba, PR

Cultural programme


Guided tour to the Portuguese Language Museum (in English)

From Bologna to Belém: Giovanni Angelo Brunelli crosses the Atlantic


Thomás A. S. Haddad, EACH-USP, São Paulo, SP


12:30 – 14:00

Crossing territories: Dutch cartographic legacy in seventeenth century Brazil

Marcos Galindo, UFPE, Recife, PE

14:00 – 16:00

Plenary session S5

Coffee break

16:00 – 16:20

S7: 11h45-13h15 – Crossing oceans: maps, territories and ideas

Reconsidering the idea of quintessence through the analysis of Renaissance texts

16:20 – 18:20

Poster presentation


Cultural and entertainment programme

Cachaça tasting (cost depends on individual consumption)

Fumikazu Saito & Maria Helena Roxo Beltran, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

Casa das Rosas

Epistemic and ontological reality of the elements for Robert Boyle

S4: 16:50-18:20 – Crossroads: sensing, translating and representing matter

How to deny elements in chemistry turned sensible qualities into experimentally accessible entities in a corpuscularian paradigm

10:00 – 11:30

Plenary session S6

Coffee break

11:30 – 11:45

Kleber Cecon, UNESP, Marília, SP

S6: 10h00-11h30 – Crossing conceptual boundaries: from the quintessence to the early modern chemical element

11:45 – 13:15

Plenary session S7


13:15 – 14:30

Distillation and the preparing of the vital balm in the work of Joseph Du Chesne

Lais dos Santos Pinto Trindade, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

14:30 – 16:30

Plenary session S8

Coffee break

16:30 – 16:50

A late eighteenth-century English formula for scurvy: "Coxwell's Concrete Salt of Lemons"

Vera Cecilia Machline, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

16:50 – 18:50

Plenary session S9


Cultural and entertainment programme

Brazilian typical dinner (separate fee)

28/08, Thursday

Science, colonialism and indigenous pharmaceuticals in colonial Bengal: An East - West endeavour

Malika Basu Ghosh,Vidyasagar University, West Bengal

Analytical chemistry of Mexican plants at Instituto Médico Nacional

10:00 – 12:00

Plenary session S10

Patricia Aceves & Liliana Schifter, UAM - Xochimilco, México

12:10 – 13:10

S5: 14h00-16h00 – Crossing boundaries: plant remedies in different cultures

Brokering houses of the exotic: Unpacking global pharmacy 1650-1800

Hjalmar Fors, Uppsala University, Sweden

13:15 – 13:45

Conference closing

Cultural programme


The chemistry of taste: science and gastronomy in 19th century cooking books

Cristiana L. M. Couto, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

Musical knowledge in the history of Atalanta fugiens

Carla Bromberg, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

S1: 10:00-11:30 – Spreading across boundaries: dissemination of chemical knowledge

José Otavio Baldinato & Paulo Alves Porto, IQ-USP, São Paulo, SP

Popularising chemistry in early nineteenth-century: Samuel Parkes’s Chemical Catechism

Hasok Chang, Univ. of Cambridge, UK

The transmission of the battery in Europe and America

Frank James, Royal Institution/ UCL, UK

The impact of Davy’s agricultural chemistry in North America

S2: 11:45-13:15 – Crossroads: medicine, chemistry and classification of knowledge

Ana Maria Alfonso-Goldfarb, Márcia Ferraz & Sílvia Waisse, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

Crossing over time: the place of chemistry in modern trees of knowledge

Floriano J. Cesar, USJT, São Paulo, SP

Alchemical images as documents for the history of science: analysing representations of the mercury/sulphur theory as provided in the treatise Splendor Solis

Maria Helena Roxo Beltran, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

Jennifer M. Rampling, Princeton University, USA

What did alchemy learn from medicine? Disciplinary exchanges in late medieval Europe

S3: 14:30-16:30 – Conceptual foundations and ‘instruments’ to make knowledge available

Walter Carnielli, CLE, Campinas, SP

Contradiction in reasoning: an evil or a blessing?

Marcelo E. Coniglio, CLE, Campinas, SP

Paraconsistency and undeterminedness in information Systems

José Luiz Goldfarb, CESIMA, São Paulo, SP

Using Twitter to promote science and education: are we again facing the beginning of a “New Science”?

Eliseo B. Reategui, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS

Automatic concept extraction and its application to text analysis and comprehension


Ana M. Alfonso-Goldfarb (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Walter Carnielli (CLE, Unicamp)
Robert Anderson, (Clare Hall, Cambridge; president of SHAC)



Comitê Científico


Márcia H. M. Ferraz (CESIMA, PUC-SP),
Ítala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano (CLE, Unicamp)
Hasok Chang (Univ. of Cambridge, UK)


Heloísa Domingues (MAST)

Luiz Carlos Soares (UFRJ/UFF)

Olival Freire (UFBA)

Thomas Haddad (EACH, USP)

Paulo Alves Porto (IQ, USP)

Patrícia Aceves Pastrana (UAM, Xochimilco, México)

Carlos Alberto Filgueiras (Instituto de Ciências Exatas, UFMG)

Floriano Jonas Cesar (USJT, SP)

Stephen Weldon (Univ. of Oklahoma / ISIS – CB)



Comitê Organizador



José Luiz Goldfarb (CESIMA, PUC-SP)
Marcelo E. Coniglio (CLE, Unicamp)
Frank James (Royal Institution, UK)


Maria Helena Roxo Beltran (CESIMA, PUC-SP)

Vera Cecília Machline (CESIMA, PUC-SP)

Fumikazu Saito (CESIMA, PUC-SP)

Silvia I. Waisse de Priven (CESIMA, PUC-SP)

Carla Bromberg (CESIMA, PUC-SP)

Cristiana Couto (CESIMA, PUC-SP)

Laís Trindade (CESIMA, PUC-SP)

Andréa Paula dos Santos (UFABC)

Kleber Cecon (UNESP – Marília)

Carlos Gonçalves  (EACH, USP)

Maria de Lourdes Bacha (Univ. Mackenzie, CESIMA, PUC-SP)

Gilson Queluz (UFPR)

Fábio Maia Bertato (CLE, Unicamp)

Iris Kantor (FFLCH, USP)

André Mota (FM, USP)

Marcos Galindo (UFPE)

Elaine Pereira de Souza (CAPES e CESIMA)



Equipe de Apoio: CESIMA, PUC-SP



Sílvia I. Waisse


Júlio F. Bacha Lamounier

Luciana L. Thomaz

Raphael Uchôa

Vera Lúcia Oliveira Neves

Yaeko Uehara






Casa das Rosas: Avenida Paulista, 37


CESIMA: Rua Caio Prado, 102, room 48, 3rd floor, Consolação


Museu da Língua Portuguesa (Portuguese Language Museum): Praça da Luz, s/nº, Centro

Plenary sessions


25/08, Monday, Casa das Rosas

27/08, Wednesday, Casa das Rosas

26/08, Tuesday, CESIMA

27/08, Wednesday

Allen Debus Lecture:

'Michael Faraday and the chemical history of a candle', Frank James, Royal Institution/ UCL, UK



Allen Debus Lecture:

'How workers learnt chemistry',

Robert Anderson, Univ. of Cambridge, UK



Visit to Natura (manufacturers of Brazilian native plant-based cosmetics), Cajamar, SP



Luiz Carlos Soares, HCTE-UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro / PPGH-UFF, Niterói, RJ

Back to the origins of the modern scientific method: Pietro d’Abano and the relationship between medicine and other disciplines

28/08, Thursday, Casa das Rosas

S10: 10h00-12h00 – Conceptual foundations and ‘instruments’ for organization of knowledge

Fábio Maia Bertato, CLE, Campinas, SP

On Lonergan’s philosophy of knowing and historical insights

Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano, CLE, Campinas, SP

On the history of the Ex Falso Sequitur Quodlibet and the historical roots of paraconsistent reasoning

Carsten Reinhardt, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, USA

Physical methods of chemistry between disciplines and national cultures

Classification in science: classification theories and the faceted classification principles

Elaine Pereira de Souza, CAPES, Brasília/CESIMA, São Paulo, SP



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