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The vulnerability of the financial system, the illegitimacy of public debts and the international political struggle for their annulment
Francois Chesnais

In Europe the capitalist crisis has taken on the form of bank crises, which present themselves in the form of state indebtedness. These states and their bourgeoisies, in particular big finance, try to shift the cost of the crisis to workers as citizens, attributing to them responsibility for the remuneration of bank capital and fictitious capital, which are in a very vulnerable situation, due to the difficulties of the EU constitution at the state level. The repudiation of public debts can became the unifying slogan of anticapitalist revolutionaries in the whole continent, opening the path for a workers’ Europe.

Keywords: Public debt. Financial system. Internationalism.

Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Socias