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José Carlos Mariátegui and the Cominterm
Luiz Bernardo Pericás

Seven Essays Interpreting Peruvian Reality, by José Carlos Mariátegui, published in 1928, is considered by many the first successful effort to “nationalize” or “regionalize” Marxism in Latin America, but it was received timidly at the time due in part to its criticisms of APRA (American Popular Revolutionary Alliance) and COMINTERN (Third Communist International). The latter, which had alreadly been subject to a strong process of centralization, was decisive in the isolation of Mariátegui’s theoretical and political positions. It has been several decades since Seven Essays imposed itself as the most important and influential work produced by Latin American Marxism. This article discusses Mariátegui’s relationship to the Comintern, his arguments with leaders of the PC in the region and differing perspectives and interpretations of Mariátegui and the IC in relation to various topics, such the organization of the party, the historical formation of Peruo, the issue of Tacna and Arica, the national question, and other issues.

Keywords: Mariátegui. Comintern. Socialist Party of Peru. Communist Party of Peru.

Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Socias