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The 1871 Revolution: historical construction and political stage
Milton Pinheiro

This article evaluates the issues that preceded the Paris Commune, especially between March and May of 1871. Considered as a historical construction in a period of power dualism (workers, bourgeoisie) the Commune presented standards of struggle for moments of seizure of power and political transition from the bourgeois state to the proletarian state. Those standards can be perceived in the various attempts at socialist revolution during the 20th century: the seizure of political power, changes in the political and institutional structures of the state – reoriented toward the future elimination of the state itself. The failures of these conflicts do not invalidate the revolutionary and emancipatory principle of the workers’ struggles in different historical moments.

Keywords: Commune. Sstruggles. Revolutions.

Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Socias