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Of old and new crazy women: The Madres and Mothers of May against State violence
Renata Gonçalves

In this article we develop a comparative analysis of the Mothers of May Square of Argentina
and the Mothers of May in contemporary Brazil. The former arose during the last Argentine
military dictatorship, meeting silently in May Square to demand information on the disappearance
of their political activist children, as well as their grandchildren, who in some cases had
been brutally stolen by the torturers. The latter appears on the political stage soon after the
crimes of May 2006, period consolidated liberal democracy and exalted by many people, when
the state of São Paulo police commits the massacre of more than 400 people. As in the first
case, these women are also considered crazy for demanding information from the Brazilian
state about the murders of their children.

Keywords: Mothers of May Square. Mothers of May. State violence.

Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Socias