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Criticism and counter criticism of Humanism
João Quartim de Moraes
The critique of metaphysical humanism is a centerpiece of Althusserian philosophical legacy. It shows the theoretical inconsistency of teleological versions of Marxism and opens the way to the materialist understanding, critical and objective, of social history. The very thesis of self-production of man by labor, interpreted metaphysically, is reduced to a tautology: labor produces man because he works in a human way. The materialist explanation of Engels highlighted the important role of work in the evolutionary connection of the hand to the brain, rooting human history in the evolution of the primates. When Losurdo claims against Althusser that the humanist vocabulary is present in all of the work of Marx, he dismisses the problem of theoretical objectivity in historical materialism.

Palavras-chave: Teleology; Marxism; materialism; humanity; Darwinism; theoretical objectivity.

Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Socias