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The primacy of relations of production: Althusser’s and Balibar’s contribution to current dilemmas
Tomás Coelho Garcia
This article seeks to analyse the defense of the primacy of relations of production in the work of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibar. The argument emphasizes two ideas: the impossibility of analyzing capitalism while abandoning the theory of value added, and the thesis that classes do not exist apart from the class strugle. We also seek to demonstrate the importance of these ideas for the study of contemporary captialism, highlighting the limits of social theories that often attempt to “get beyond Marxism” or which limit themselves to concepts like “the end of work” that are not very useful.

Palavras-chave: Louis Althusser; Étienne Balibar; relation of production; the end of work.

Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Ciências Socias